Online is, simplified, everything that happens on the web. The CallGuide Proactive Web function means that a surfer automatically can be given various offers, such as being contacted or to have something sent to him.
The surfer qualifies to receive an offer by for example having passed a specific web page a specified number of times and click on a button. If the specified conditions are fulfilled, such there being ready agents, the surfer will .offer. If the surfer accepts whar is offered he is considered having accepted the offer.
In CallGuide Pulse and CallGuide Report statistics is presented per organisation area and per so-called rule. In the rules for Proactive Web, which are configured in CallGuide Admin, there is i.a facts about which web pages that are included, what is to be offered, which web form that is to be shown, and to which queues web contacts shall be routed.
The online statistics are based on the above mentioned rules and on so-called sessions. A session is a unique value created and stored in a so-called cookie in a web browser. When a surfer starts surfing, a session is initiated, and it is in progress as long as the visitor is active at the current website. The session is however not ended completely until the number minutes have passed, that are specified in a parameter in CallGuide Proactive Web Engine, normally 30 minutes.